03 October 2007

October Already

I can't believe we're three days into October. Man time flies.

Carl and I are out one yellow Xterra right now because he was in an accident last Thursday. He had made the light at Sunset and Laurel Canyon (travelling east on Sunset) and was inching along behind a line of cars. If you know that area of town, you know that at 10 p.m. on any night it's officially the border of the Sunset Strip and traffic can be miserable. Carl wouldn't normally be there but he had a wrap party for a trailer he shot this past summer. So he's sitting there and the light was still green behind him but there wasn't any room for another car to come through it - or so he thought - a 20-something from Colorado, not paying attention, had just come from the previous traffic light and whizzed through the green light at 45 and slammed into the back of Carl, sending him into the car in front of him, sending her into the car in front of her. 4 car pile up. If that wasn't annoying and jarring enough, little 20-something Julie Mack from Colorado got out of her car on her cell phone laughing and talking. When Carl asked her for her information, she handed him a stack of messy papers that he had to sift through to find her insurance, etc.

The truly galling thing though was that after causing three other drivers to slam into one another, she never said "I'm so sorry" "Are you alright?" and never once did she get off the cell phone.

1 comment:

bill said...

Yeah, some people have lost their inner sense of caring about others.
What ever happen to manners? Will people ever really start caring about each other again? Remember when we didn't need a cell phone. Why do I think I can't live without one now?
Sometimes I'll hold a door open for people and dozens will walk through. Most times, no one says thank you. Maybe 1 out of 15-20 will say, thanks. But I will continue to do so. Because I feel I should and by doing so, I am the minority.